Healthy Activity Archive

How to keep fit in rainy weather

Recently the weather around us are uncertain. Sometimes the air was so hot, but when it rains, the temperature suddenly turned cold. At the turn of this weather, a lot of people are prone to various diseases, ranging from the flu, colds, until diarrhea. So, how we can stay healthy in the ...Read More

8 Foods for Lowering Tension

A healthy and balanced diet is one way to prevent and reduce high blood pressure and hypertension. Experts believe that the consumption of foods from vegetable and fruits is good to reduce blood pressure. Because of the lot influence of diet on hypertension, the experts who are members of the National Institutes ...Read More

Fibers that is important to digestive system

Consuming fiber is very important in your daily life. In addition to make you healthier, fibers can unleash a digestion. Lack of fiber is one of the causes of digestion is not smooth. The fibers have two types based on solubility, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. However, both have related functions. Soluble ...Read More

How to slim with tea

It’s good news for who likes tea. This drinks is not only good for health, but also for beauty. The drink that is produced from processing the leaves of plants can also be the other method for those who want to look slimmer. However, consumption of tea for weight loss is not ...Read More

The Benefits of Mangosteen

Mangosteen is a tropical fruit plants that have interesting shapes. In addition it was also delicious. There are several benefits of mangosteen : Consuming mangosteen fruit regularly can prevent brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and arthritis caused by inflammation. Xanthones contained in mangosteen fruit is able to overcome the cell membrane in ...Read More

How to protect foot injury do to footwear

Footwear became one of favorite fashion items for women to make an appearance and legs to be perfect. But if we wrong in selecting footwear, it will be fatal. Because the selection of the wrong shoe can inhibit motion, make a fat, and can make us get injury. Unfortunately because we are ...Read More

The benefits of betel leaves

  This time Health Tips will discuss about the efficacy and benefits of Betel Leaves. Betel leaf contain a lot of substances, they are fly oil (betlephenol), sesquiterpenes, starch, diatase, sugar, tannin and kavikol which have the power to kill germs, antioxidants and fungicides and anti-fungal. Beside for health the active phenol ...Read More

Do you want more attractive, Consume fruit and Vegetables

FRUIT and vegetables according to the conclusions of researchers at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, is able to make a person more attractive. Research involving 35 people of Caucasian volunteers observe the effects of the fruit and vegetables that consumed during the six weeks. From the results of the study concluded ...Read More

How to handle the cavities

Patching on cavities is the best way to prevent the severity of toothache. However if you are still afraid to go to the dentist, there are some tips to handle the cavities. As the following : After eating, try to gargle with water. After an hour later, you can for brush your ...Read More

The cause of brain freeze – 10 thing that can lower your brain

You often do not realize that your lifestyle habits able to give a great impact on your mental health. Though mental health plays an important role for all organs in the body to function healthily. Because the brain is responsible for coordinating multiple systems of the body internally. Reporting from, Here ...Read More