News Archive

A lot of chins? FDA clears a treatment for that

It’s not deadly, but as numerous as 7 in 10 Americans state they’re bedeviled by double chin, a condition for which the Fda on Wednesday authorized a new treatment: an injectable compound called deoxycholic acid, to be marketed as Kybella. Kybella is the very first treatment the company has actually authorized for ...Read More

Home-canned potatoes to blame for botulism outbreak

Regional and state health authorities say potato salad made with home-canned potatoes is to blame for the more than 20 cases of botulism in Lancaster, Ohio, recently. All those who are sick dininged at a potluck dinner at Cross Pointe Free Will Baptist Church on April 19. Health officials checked remaining food ...Read More

Kaiser Permanente’s mental healthcare services faulted again

For the second time in two years, the state of California has faulted HMO huge Kaiser Permanente for failing to provide patients with proper access to mental healthcare. Some Kaiser clients still have to wait weeks or even months to see a therapist or psychiatrist, which breaches state laws meant to guarantee ...Read More

Smiley Faces May Be The Secret To Combating Youth Weight problems

New research study recommends that something as easy as introducing smiley deals with or adding little prizes for purchasing a healthy item can trigger children to ask for such foods and be happy to eat them, according to a Times of India report. Robert Siegel, the studies author and medical director of ...Read More

What urine exposes about weight problems

Let’s face it: Weight problems’s not difficult to detect. It’s easily finished with a scale, a tape measure and (if you do not want to do the mathematics yourself), a body-mass index (BMI) calculator. Or you could go old-school, and use your eyes. So, when researchers set out to explore “biomarkers” for ...Read More

Parasite Contaminates Florida Snails

University of Florida scientists said the nightmarishly named “rat lungworm” has actually been discovered in multiple types of snails in the Miami location, consisting of the invasive giant African snail. The scientists, who published their results in the “Journal of Parasitology,” made the discovery while investigating the death of an orangutan that ...Read More

Physicians Steering More Women Toward IUDs, Implants For Birth Control

Many women may choose conventional contraception approaches, like the pill, but increasingly, physicians are guiding them towards something else. Dr. Mallika Marshall reports there is an alternative that lots of women don’t even understand about. When it comes to contraception, there are many choices consisting of condoms, the diaphragm, injections, the pill ...Read More

Italian surgeon state the first human head transplant could happen by 2017

Dr. Sergio Canavero of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group initially proposed his “Gemini” back combination procedure in 2013, however continued research resulted in an updated Canavero” target=”_ blank”> publication in the journal Surgical Neurology International on Feb. 3. In short, when Dr. Canavero’s found an ideal client and contributor he would then ...Read More

Air Pollution Tied to Brain Aging

Air pollution is understood to increase the threat for stroke and other cerebrovascular conditions. But now scientists have actually found it is likewise connected to early aging of the brain. The study, in the May problem of Stroke, made use of information on 943 males and females over 60 who were individuals ...Read More