Second Trimester Pregnancy Tips

Second Trimester Pregnancy Tips

Second Trimester Pregnancy Tips

Here are tips that should be done by pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy :

  • Do not take the goods by way of bending. Take items by squat so that the fetus is not depressed.
  • Avoid strenuous activities such as heavy lifting, pulling in excess, pushing heavy, climbing, jogging in a long time.
  • Do not make sudden changes in activity, such as rotating the body quickly or jumping jacks, because it would harm the fetus and can get muscle cramps.
  • Expand the rest due to some vital organs in the pregnant woman body such as heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs work harder
  • Start treat breast to make milk production so abundant. Always clean the nipple and massage the area around the breast with breast oil or cream to avoid swelling or inflammation during nursing.
  • Use a bra that is comfortable, can absorb sweat, and painless.
  • Get used to shower with warm water to relax muscles so can fast asleep.
  • When you want to take a rest, sitting or sleeping, your feet should be higher than the body so that the blood circulation in the body is not only accumulate in the legs to avoid the swelling or varicose veins.
  • Use a flat-heeled shoes.
  • Avoid fried foods or spicy.
  • Pregnant women should sleep on his side to the left with his caddy propped with pillows or bolsters.
  • Keep your posture when standing, walking, sitting, and sleeping is not leaning backward as it can cause the spine curved that can make spine pain
  • Pregnant women should eat in small portion but often
  • Do not sleep after eating, because it causes the stomach to be hot so that the power of the stomach decreases in absorbing food
  • Pregnant women should not stand too long (more than 1 hour) to avoid swelling in the legs or pass out suddenly.
  • Always think positive during their pregnancy period to avoid depression or stress.