Meratol reviews: the benefits of Cactus Extract

The features and benefits of cactus extract

Cactus Extract is a 100% natural ingredient made from dehydrated cactus leaves. Beyond its lipophilic properties (ability to interact with fats), Cactus Extract also showed a positive effect on blood lipid parameters and Syndrome X diagnosis.

One of product that uses Cactus Extract Is Meratol.

  • Fibers with lipophilic properties / weight management support
  • Positive action on blood lipid parameters
  • Link with cardiovascukar risks and Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X) diagnosis
 Nature  Patented powder of Opuntia ficus indica cactus leaves
 Active content  Soluble and insoluble fiber of Opuntia ficus-indica cactus
 Scientific Background  In vitro study: gastrointestinal model

  • 2001 : 2g of Cactus Extract, associated to a test meal absorbs part of total fatty acids during the 4-hours in vitro test.
  • 2004 : Comparison between NeOpuntia® and a branded chitosan : Cactus Extract decreases fatty acids bio-availability, whereas chitosan shows no effect.
  • 2005 : Cactus Extract’s lipophilc properties are confirmed when associated with a traditional American breakfast.

Pilot clinical study

  • 2003 : the double blind, placebo-controlled study suggests that Cactus Extract  could increase fat excretion by 27%.

Clinical Study (PUBLISHED) :

  • E. Linares. The effect of Cactus Extract on blood Lipid parameters – risk factors for the Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X). Advances in Therapy®, vol. 24 N°5 ; september-october 2007. Study conducted on 68 females divided into 2 groups (Cactus Extract and Placebo), during 42 days :
    • On the total population, Cactus Extract increases HDL cholesterol level, with a significant trend (+0.0217 g/l)
    • In women 45 years or older, Cactus Extract significantly increases HDL cholesterol level (p=0,029)
    • Almost 40% of women in the Cactus Extract group are no longer diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome, against only 8% for the Placebo group.
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