Garlic for weight loss
Garlic is a simple and powerful health solution for a number of illnesses, and as health benefits that cover a range of ailments because of the several unique compounds it contains, especially the allicin.
Garlic also contains small amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E, and the minerals potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, and iron. Garlic has been, for long, known for its health benefits such as prevention of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes etc. In fact, Garlic’s most common uses as a dietary supplement are for high cholesterol, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Garlic is also used to prevent certain types of cancer, including stomach and colon cancers.
Now, researchers say that garlic may help in weight loss. Garlic contains the compound allicin which is supposed to suppress the appetite and aid in weight loss.
How is garlic is used?
Garlic cloves can be eaten raw or cooked. They may also be dried or powdered and used in tablets and capsules. Raw garlic cloves can be used to make oils and liquid extracts.
Composition and nature of garlic
Garlic contains more than 200 chemical compounds. Some of its more important ones include: volatile oil with sulphur-containing compounds: (allicin, alliin, and ajoene), and enzymes: (allinase, peroxidase and myrosinase). Allicin is what gives garlic its antibiotic properties and is responsible for its strong odor. Ajoene contributes to the anticoagulant action of garlic. Garlic also contains citral, geraniol, linalool, Aphellandrene and B phellandrene. The allyl contained in garlic is also found in several members of the onion family and is considered a very valuable therapeutic compound.
How does garlic help in weight loss
Garlic acts as an appetite suppressant as it gives the brain signals of satiety when it is eaten. Hence, a person would be less inclined to eat. Garlic also increases the body’s metabolism. Garlic is supposed to stimulate the nervous system to release the adrenalin hormone. High metabolism can help you to burn calories and lose weight.
Recommended quantity
Studies have shown that an average of 900 mg garlic/day (as little as one half to one clove of garlic) could decrease total serum cholesterol levels by approximately 9%. Dieticians suggest that a normal adult should not eat more than 3 cloves a day.
For those of you who do not like garlic, you can use proactol plus. Click the following link to order proactol plus.