5 Ways to Fasten Diet In One Month



There are so many ways to lose weight. Of course you are familiar with the advice to ‘eat lots of vegetables and fruit’, and ‘regular exercise’ or ‘avoiding cigarettes and alcohol and junk food’. But there are some quick ways to lose weight in a month, according www.stylecraze.com, among others they are :

Say no to sugar

This is one of the great challenges if you want to diet. Avoiding sugary foods is not easy, but remember your goal to lose weight. It is similar in a way to reduce carbohydrates and was committed to do so.

Eat plenty of protein

Eat lots of protein intended to replace the reduced carbohydrate intake in your daily intake. Energy will be taken from your body fat accumulates and protein breakdown. Thus, consumption of eggs, vegetables, soy milk and a wide variety of protein-rich foods.

Drinking water

Drink more than eight glasses of water per day is the way you can do to lose weight. Replacing hunger by drinking water, your body will make the switch by taking the energy to change the fat accumulated in the body.

Cardio exercise

The best sports burn calories while keeping fitness heart is by doing cardio. Cardio exercise can be done about 30-60 minutes per day and it will be able to burn more calories than just lifting weights. So, try aerobics, cycling, jog, swim or climb the stairs and start now.

Eliminate bad habits

Try to eliminate snacking habits, especially in front of the TV without doing anything. Try also increase your sleep time by not staying up late every day. Avoid the habit of eating out and buying food delivery. Do not drink soft drinks and junk food also stopped smoking.

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