The benefits of apple

The benefits of apple

The benefits of apple

In this post we will discuss about the benefits of apples for health, as follows :

  • For Digestion
    Apples are rich in fiber that can help in digestion. Consuming apples regularly can prevent from contipation and stomach disorders.
  • Prevent From Anemia:
    Apples are useful in anemia. It is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood which can be improved by intake foods contain iron such as apples.
  • Add Vitality:
    Apples are known to remove weakness and can increase to the strength and vitality. Therefore, it is often given to patients to help them recover from the illness.
  • Gain Weight :
    If you want to gain weight, apples should be part of your daily diet.
  • Dental Care:
    Eating apples helps in cleaning the teeth and gums. This reduces the cavities in the teeth. When you eat an apple, the fiber in it can clean the teeth, while the antiviral can keep bacteria and viruses away.
  • Heart Disease :
    Apple can lowers cholesterol levels and therefore beneficial for the heart.
  • Rheumatism:
    Eating an apple is very useful for patients with Rheumatism, because it can help in the healing process.
  • Eye disorders:
    Apples are believed to make our eye strong and improve the vision. It also can help in treating night blindness.
  • Skin Care:
    Mixing apples and honey or apple and milk then applied to the skin can make skin glow and shine.
  • Apples can help in treating gout and dysentery. Recent research has revealed that they have chemicals such as flavonoids and polyphenols that can help fight cancer.