The best way to sit on sofa



Who does not like to sit and laze on the sofa? Especially when accompanied by your favorite foods while looking at a single scene.

Do you own often do these activities? Be careful, because this practice was able to bring a myriad of diseases. According to some research, too often sit in the long term will reduce the body’s metabolic system and interfere with blood circulation. The result, terrible diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer began to arrive. Not to mention if the material for which you sit on contain harmful chemicals.

Reporting from, here are tips to avoid health risks that arise because of this bad habit.

Here are Some tips you can do as the best way to sit on sofa for your health :

Avoid fabrics that easily torn

Sitting on the sofa tear easily is able to increase the exposure of chemicals that exist in the sofa. Therefore, before buying a sofa, carefully advance the materials used in making it safe for your health.

Choose natural materials

Sofa with natural materials such as wood is safer and healthier for the body. While the sofa with polyurethane foam filler material is jeopardizing the health of the body because they contain more chemicals in it.

Keep the sofa clean

Maintain cleanliness of the sofa is also important to keep your body healthy. At least once a week clean of dust, germs, or dirt inside.

Healthy lifestyle

Maintain cleanliness of the sofa is not enough if your health is not maintained. Make your body more active and do not be too long sitting on the sofa.

Are you one of people who like to sit long on the sofa? Try the healthy tips above to keep your health.

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