Tips on prevent from acne naturally
Acne, although small but very annoying and can eliminate our confidence. To get rid of acne is not as easy as we imagine.
Here we will discuss about how to get rid of acne naturally:
- Wash your face 3 times a day
Wash your face 3 times a day using a mild soap. Do not wash your face with facial scrub excessively, because with excessive facial scrub can increase oil production sobaceous which can cause skin problems on your face - Customize Make up to skin type
If your skin is oily then use makeup for oily skin, if you use makeup that does not match the type of skin, acne will quickly grow on your skin - Avoid oily makeup
Face will naturally produce oil. So you should avoid wearing excessive makeup because oil and dust will be the cause of acne on the face. - Dry your face with a towel
Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower, because bacteria also like damp and warm - Increase drinking water
Nearly 80% of skin consists of water, with a minimum of 2 liters of drinking water a day, then we will always get healthy skin. - Wear a skin moisturizer
Wearing a moisturizer can help nourish the skin, especially from skin dry and chapped. Use a water-based moisturizer. - Wash your face before bed
Make sure your skin is clean before bed. Always wash your face before bed to regenerate the skin. - Frequently eat vegetables and fruits
Vegetables contain many vitamins that nourish the skin. Increase consumption of vegetables or fruits, especially those containing vitamin E - Adequate sleep
When we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful toxins so that when we wake up our skin will be refreshed - Be careful when using hair oil
Try not to hit to the face. Cover your face with a towel when using hair oil, hair spray or mousse. After bathing, do not forget to rerinse your face to remove the possibility of the former shampoo or conditioner left on the face