The Benefits Of Olive Oil
We have discussed about olive oil in previous posting. One of them is that it can make healthy fried food. In addition to be used for food that can trigger your appetite, olive oil have much benefits for health. The following are the benefits of olive oil :
- It contains unsaturated fats, the only fat that is good for the body.
- If consumed daily, it contribute as a method of a healthy diet for your family.
- The greatest benefit of olive oil is able to fight against coronary heart disease.
- It has the highest content of monounsaturated fat (about 80 per cent) among all vegetable oils, which reduces LDL and triglycerides.
- It has the lowest percentage of saturated fats which increase cholesterol.The High content of MUFA in olive oil can prevent high cholesterol, fight heart disease, and help in the prevention of diabetes and cancer.
- It helps minimize the risk of cancer. Because it is source of antioxidants, especially vitamin E.
- It can mineralize bone and help calcium absorption so that can help prevent from osteoporosis.
- It helps lowering tension if combined with broccoli
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