Tips on how to recover quickly
Lifestyle is very influential for health. The better the lifestyle, the more excellent health. Healthy lifestyle is not only demanding regularity, but also a healthy diet. You can restore the health conditions by improving your diet, and you will be amazed when you see how quickly the new diet for your health restoration.
Let’s look at some cases of health problems that can be cured with a healthy diet in a short time : Repair damaged skin cells
Recovery time: 1 week or depending on the level of damage.
Why should recover?
Because free radicals such as the sun or pollution can cause damage to the skin, such as wrinkles, puffiness, and even skin cancer.
So what to do?
Eat foods rich in antioxidants and fruits rich in vitamin A, C, and E, which will encourage the body’s ability to fight free radicals.
Lowers blood pressure
Recovery time: 1 week
Why should recover?
Because high blood pressure is one of the main triggers of heart attack or stroke.
So what to do?
Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially those contain potassium and antioxidants such as bananas, because it can lower blood pressure quickly.
Beat stress
Recovery time: 1 hour
Why should recover?
Anxiety, stress, and depression can affect your health, so it is important for you to be stress free.
So what to do?
Reducing stress can be taking vitamin B because this vitamin can produce dopamine, which can improve one’s mood. It Can also with a variety of other stress release. For stress relief food, try eating fish, nuts, bananas, and peas.
Sharpen memory
Recovery time: 1 month
Why should recover?
Because a study proves that brain training and meet the needs of folate in the diet is not only important to keep yourself from Alzheimer’s attacks, but can also increase a person’s cognitive abilities, such as the ability to remember and how quickly you can solve a puzzle.
So what to do?
By eating green foods and fruits, you will provide nutrients to the brain in order to regenerate and repair capabilities. Or frequently play games that train your memory.
Build strong bones
Recovery time: more than 1 year
Why is this important?
In order you do not have osteoporosis or brittle bones.
So what to do?
Increase your calcium intake, whether through supplements or by basking in the morning sun.
It took a little longer for the body to save and process the efficacy of vitamin D. Therefore, make the consumption of vitamin D, calcium supplements, or bask in the morning sun every day